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Pokemon Crystal Strona Główna
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  Temat: Karta Postaci Huntie

Odpowiedzi: 1
Wyświetleń: 658

PostForum: Karty Postaci   Wysłany: 2018-02-25, 23:36   Temat: Karta Postaci Huntie
Imię/imiona: Calvin 'Huntie'
Nazwisko: Klein

Data urodzenia (wiek): 13.03.92
Profesja: Trener
Profesja poboczna: Ewolucjonista
Team: Gildia Odkrywców (League of Explorers)
Towarzysz/towarzyszka: -


Visual Appearance: Huntie jest wysokim, postawnym młodzieńcem. Jego blond włosy zawsze pną się ku słońcu a uśmiech nie schodzi z jego twarzy. Ubiera się ze smakiem, gust jest jego mocną stroną. W dobieraniu stroju ceni sobie jednak wygodę i praktyczność a nie tylko efekt. Częsty cel komplementów ze względu na swoją urodę. Na tle jego delikatnie opalonej twarzy wybijają się niebieskie oczy, pasujące do zimnych blond włosów.
Character traits: Calvin jest typem osoby zimnej i dobrze kalkulującej każdy ruch. W kontaktach z innymi kieruje się profitem, tym co może zyskać na danej znajomości, a nie podstawowymi wartościami takimi jak koleżeństwo, przyjaźń. Podczas swojego życia nauczył się jednać sobie ludzi wpływowych i wartościowych, często używa swojego wyglądu i wdzięku by ułatwiać swoje życie. Dla tych którzy są mu bliscy, a jest tych osób na prawdę nie wiele, jest jednak bratem i przyjacielem takiego, którego można pozazdrościć.
Story: War, terrible war.. the world which we used to know is far gone for 9 solid decades. Only the eldest remember how it used to be, only the eldest remember the world without the virus. World has been divided, lands disappeared beneath the vast dark waters separating continents into separate isles. Great Biological Evolution, movement lead by Gyro-Evolution Congress of United States of the America, GECUSA - and its workings on anti-aging serum lead to developing new, dangerous virus. It quickly spread amongst people, who were already genetically similar due to DNA design movement that begun in early 2030s’.
MDNA DVD-33 (Mutagenic DeoxyriboNucleic Acid DiVision D-33) virus caused mutations happening in front of our eyes, glorious evolution - for some, for most - quick inevitable death. People were losing their minds, it happened different for everyone. People were scared, shocked, their skin was changing into scales, stingers, fur, merging with rocks, leaves and bark, their body was either losing limbs or growing additional ones. Tails, claws and fangs weren’t isolated cases, some people had crazier mutations like fire breathing or long range poison spitting. Suicides were very common, but not as common as murders, You see, MDNA DVD affected mostly the brain, people were losing their osobilities, for some emotions were numb and for some significantly intensified thus causing massive anger eruptions.
Where in all of that is starting my chapter in this story? Not Yet my dear reader, nevertheless i would love to say you all about me, i need You to understand the level of mayhem that was caused by wrongdoings of GECUSA. The war broke out three years after the virus killed his first victim: Polterra Albin, the girl from a small town in South Carolina. Atomic bombs dropped around the world caused global distortion in the geographical structure of the Earth, the use of biological weapon killed off many species of plants and animals, greatly reducing population of us - humans.
The hope wasn’t lost, although most of our kind went mad, some stayed focused on the problem and came up with a.. crazy idea. If we cannot fully harness what we were ‘given’, we should try to isolate it from our bodies. This complicated process needed time, acknowledging that time is money would mean, we all payed a very pricey bill. But the cost was nothing compared to the results. After six months from GECUSA releasing treatment to the nation, we were somewhat cured from the effects of the virus. How did it all happen you might ask?
GECUSA fused human DNA affected with mutation caused by MDNA DVD-33 with stem cells isolated, and then bombarded them with free radicals, exposing them to radiation and doing many more science-stuff, that none of people understood but it worked. Side effect of it was creating new creatures, many species. They were something between people, plants and animals, they looked like book portrayal of elves. Small and scared, slouched, odd looking. Some of these creatures - called Key-1021dtf<33t>, in shorter version K1K - were kept in special K-shelters, and some died of age connected diseases after turing 2 years old. The problem with K-shelters was that they weren’t immune to K1K’s abilities especially when a couple of the creatures joined their forces to escape the shelter. The reinforcing of these didn’t help much, because these little beings were smart and cunning! They ran into the wilds and.. started mating with wildlife. As crazy as it sounds, their modified Stem Cells could somehow adapt and create fertile offspring! New creatures were looking like monsters from fantasy novels! They inherrited some of the traits from the original K1Ks, which eventually died with natural death. People lost the mutations caused by MDNA DVD-33 virus.
Happy story isn’t it? Post-Key-1021dtf<33t> animals, or as they used to be called - monsters, jot down as brand new spicies, getting steady with their evolution. They lost ability to procreate with every single specimen, thus creating new taxons. Beasts were controlable, and the race for the leadership became more rapid than ever. Control-gem spheres were invented, they could confine free will of the creatures and use their supernatural abilities to cause harm to people, and each other. That was the war that realy put us in danger, because these creatures were almost immortal! They could severely harm each other, but killing one was a real struggle. Hail Bradshot - was the first one to outplay everybody else. He destroyed the contol-gem spheres, took the lead over the Earth, banning these ravashing devices and setting out a Decree of Post-K1K’s Monsters, in shortage - Po-K Mons. The law stated that the creatures may be breed and kept, but never agains their will, any acts of violation including these were punishable by death, each person could use new version of Control-gem spheres, called po-k spheres, or po-k balls. That only let the po-k Mon creatures be kept and sheltered, not held against their will or controled.
Not everyone liked new set of law regulations, but Decree of Po-K Monsters, and very popular at the time group scaffolds, were somewhat enough for people to respect the law. The world was segregated into regions, each named by respective founder. Each region donated two people for the Great Game, first day of spring, to entertain the nation and remind everyone that they are not in full control of the situation.
The Great Game wasn’t anything that an average person would want to be part of, especialy a young man that had whole life ahead of him. In this grand event, there were twice the number of people that there were regions, one male and one female per region. The only restriction to who could be picked was age between 13 and 35, and one person could participate in the Great Games only once per lifetime. Which is quite funny, since only one person would live to be a victor.
The rules changed every year, so changed the arena. This years 74th Great Games victor is Aethas Sol, 22 years young man from ZYX town. As every time we were given a random Pokemon (Po-K Monster), for a partner, and with it we were set off to compete in a killer set of challenges, and ambushes, battles and bloodbaths.
Why is my win different from any others? I made a strong enemy.. Parsel Swift, the woman who also happens to be.. madam President. And how did I win, and how did it all happen?

Phoebe Talent stepped onto the stage flouncing and prancing, she seemed to be the only one excited for today. With her long orange ball gown, and purple trane carefully situated on top of her fiery red wig, with high heel and lots of golden bracelets.. she looked odd. Giving that people in my region were not the richest ones. Most of us were not fancy fashionistas like mrs Phoebe Talent, so she stood out from the crowd, even though she stood on the podium.
‘Ladies and Gentleman!’ she said trying to hide her disgust. ‘I am gonna do the honors of introducing the world to *REGION*s two chosen ones!’ she theatrically clasped her hands and smiled passionately. She ran to the big Jar filled with the names, took a deep breath and dove her bony hand into the vessel pulling out a single piece of paper.
‘Candice Chapman!’ she yelled and 20-something skinny blonde girl realised she’s been chosen. People scattered, leaving Candice ten yards of space in each direction, as if she was announced to be the bearer of Ebola Virus. Lady slowly approached mrs Talent, who tried to cheer her up with a fake smile, asked Candice a couple of generic questions and jumped to the other jar. This vessel contained names of the man, Phoebe dug her hand deep into the glass dish, gave it a couple of swirls and grasped one of the names.
‘Aethas Sol!’ this was my name.
Orbitia Klein - Matka Huntie, głowa, ręka i kręgosłup rodziny Kleinów. Sławna i szanowana prokurator z regionu Hoenn.
Bob Klein - Ojciec Huntie, dyrektor Hoenn IKEA.
Siostry - Ellie i Maya. Młodszy brat Shaun.



Starter zostanie wybrany przez MG.


Box | Konto bankowe | Trofea


- pieniądze
- pokedex
- 5x pokeball

  Temat: Battle Against A True Hero

Odpowiedzi: 6
Wyświetleń: 940

PostForum: Archiwum   Wysłany: 2017-04-29, 00:38   Temat: Battle Against A True Hero
I rose up from the ground, Dathremar was right, showing vulnerability won't help me from now on. I gave him a nod, letting him know that I agree.
'I am strong, I know I am. I can do it.' I pushed my chest forward, chimed up and put a smile on. Be pretty, be confident - I thought to myself.
'They are gonna have a winner, Kanto is gonna have a winner. I never signed up for this but if I wanted I could probably go and win this shit because I'm what? Sickening! Nobody will ever tell me I can't, because they are not this type of people, I am a winner.' I ended my speech by slamming one of fruits onto the table.
I hugged Kael'thas briefly, then grabbed his hands and said just simple thing 'I will, I can do it'. Aethas, Smile - I reminded myself. They'll eat me up, every single time, I'm on that damned prompter.
Saying goodbye wasn't easy, I tried to make it as non depressing as possible. I just told them to take care of each other. Probably we'll be out of time in a blink of an eye, so another speech could not happen.
  Temat: Battle Against A True Hero

Odpowiedzi: 6
Wyświetleń: 940

PostForum: Archiwum   Wysłany: 2017-04-24, 09:18   Temat: Battle Against A True Hero
Congratulations? Is this person mad?! Fury rose to my throat, and I wanted to scream so many devious words to this man. Finally get a champion? Kanto was a black sheep of the games, every other region was laughing at us, every person in centrum was laughing at us. Worst champions, worst coach, worst team, and the ugliest outfits. Coal coats, miners, poorly executed mineral outfits.. one time we had an ambitious designer! She was so ambitious, she lit the contestants clothes on fire, and burned them alive, disqualifying Kanto before the games even started. The biggest achievement of a Kantonian champion was about 7 or 8.. maybe 9 years ago, when a guy hid under ground in the dark, rocky cave and wasn't killed in the bloodbath making top.. 8. Giovanni was growing on my nerves, but he was somewhat valuable. So I didn't want to yell at him, yet.
'We're as hard as diamonds, thank You mister Silverstache' I replied to Giovanni, with as much calmness as I was able to deliver.
'I know' my eyes landed on my older brother 'take care of him' I said and pulled my younger one, directing the words to him 'take care of each other now, for me' my voice was cracking. I felt my eyes watering and I could no longer hold it in. I pulled them both and squeezed them hard, calling this thing a hug would be a misunderstanding, I used way to much strength.
'I cannot win, I don't have any special abilities... unless they give me some wire or something to work with.. and the random Pokémon, I might get a caterpie or ratatta..' I collapsed on the floor, covering my head with both hands.
  Temat: Battle Against A True Hero

Odpowiedzi: 6
Wyświetleń: 940

PostForum: Archiwum   Wysłany: 2017-04-13, 01:18   Temat: Battle Against A True Hero
What just happened? What is happening? Dathremar..? I couldn't see my brother, even though i was looking all around me to catch his silhouette in my eye. He was nowhere to be found, only this woman.. i tried to answer her questions, surely I Did realise that the game already begun. My mind didn’t work this way unfortunately, i was stressed as hell and could barely focus on inhaling and exhaling, not to say about talking!
When i landed in ‘Victory Atelier’ my emotions were mixed as a cocktail. Confusion about what was happening was mixing with self doubt, confidence that i can make people like me because i am a decent looking person and a good guy, were trampled by whole set of hate for the system and worry or my younger brother. Where were they?
‘Hello?’ i hit my knuckles onto the door, hoping to make some noise. ‘Where is my family? Where are my brothers?!’ i yelled, furious and exhausted from emotional thrill made me give up trying any further banging on the door. I decided to gather up my thoughts, there may be cameras already, i cannot be sure. I walked to the window and moved my fingers close to the window frame, will it electrocute me? I didn't want to get hurt or electrocuted to badly, but the temptation was to good.
‘What are my strengths? I know how to build, construct.. i can produce electrical current and target it, but it might not be to useful, I am strong and agile.. not to much, but above average..’ i was trying to think of as many things as i could but it wasn’t going to well. My fingers were twitching, my palms were getting really sweaty, i had to sit down and take a couple of deep breaths. ‘I know plants, and i am good with soil and its types, decent with chemistry.. i lack combat skills to the level of killing everyone with a dagger or a bow from 50 yards..’ it started getting to me, i am dead. Just like Modera, my younger sister, she was 19 when she got selected for 73th Great Games, just a year ago, she was the first one to die in a bloodbath. I can't give up, i will not give up! Not for my brothers. Rest in Peace sister, i didn't come here to play, i came to slay.
  Temat: KP Aethas Sol

Odpowiedzi: 1
Wyświetleń: 1000

PostForum: Archiwum Kart Postaci   Wysłany: 2017-04-11, 19:46   Temat: KP Aethas Sol
Full Name: Aethas 'Sone' Sol

Date of Birth: 2.02.2189 22 years of age
Primary Profession: Trainer
Secondary Profession: Evolutionist
Team: none
Partner: -/tba
Rival: -/tba


Visual Appearance: Aethas Sol is well build blonde guy. Being 6ft tall, he's quite above average, but still not one of the unnaturally giganic ones. He doesn't care to much about his clothing, as long as it doesn't look untidy or messy. He is very approachable and friendly looking. Although attractive, he doesn't come off as a bomb shell, more like a boy next door.
Character traits: Aethas Sol is a quiet guy, second to the eldest of four kids in his family, he was never the one making decisions, still there were times when he had to take control. He is by his nature, a very good person, almost altruistic. The games are one of the events that Aethas is really unsuited for due to the fact that he wants to help as many people as he can, and he wishes little to no harm to anybody.
Story: War, terrible war.. the world which we used to know is far gone for 9 solid decades. Only the eldest remember how it used to be, only the eldest remember the world without the virus. World has been divided, lands disappeared beneath the vast dark waters separating continents into separate isles. Great Biological Evolution, movement lead by Gyro-Evolution Congress of United States of the America, GECUSA - and its workings on anti-aging serum lead to developing new, dangerous virus. It quickly spread amongst people, who were already genetically similar due to DNA design movement that begun in early 2030s’.
MDNA DVD-33 (Mutagenic DeoxyriboNucleic Acid DiVision D-33) virus caused mutations happening in front of our eyes, glorious evolution - for some, for most - quick inevitable death. People were losing their minds, it happened different for everyone. People were scared, shocked, their skin was changing into scales, stingers, fur, merging with rocks, leaves and bark, their body was either losing limbs or growing additional ones. Tails, claws and fangs weren’t isolated cases, some people had crazier mutations like fire breathing or long range poison spitting. Suicides were very common, but not as common as murders, You see, MDNA DVD affected mostly the brain, people were losing their osobilities, for some emotions were numb and for some significantly intensified thus causing massive anger eruptions.
Where in all of that is starting my chapter in this story? Not Yet my dear reader, nevertheless i would love to say you all about me, i need You to understand the level of mayhem that was caused by wrongdoings of GECUSA. The war broke out three years after the virus killed his first victim: Polterra Albin, the girl from a small town in South Carolina. Atomic bombs dropped around the world caused global distortion in the geographical structure of the Earth, the use of biological weapon killed off many species of plants and animals, greatly reducing population of us - humans.
The hope wasn’t lost, although most of our kind went mad, some stayed focused on the problem and came up with a.. crazy idea. If we cannot fully harness what we were ‘given’, we should try to isolate it from our bodies. This complicated process needed time, acknowledging that time is money would mean, we all payed a very pricey bill. But the cost was nothing compared to the results. After six months from GECUSA releasing treatment to the nation, we were somewhat cured from the effects of the virus. How did it all happen you might ask?
GECUSA fused human DNA affected with mutation caused by MDNA DVD-33 with stem cells isolated, and then bombarded them with free radicals, exposing them to radiation and doing many more science-stuff, that none of people understood but it worked. Side effect of it was creating new creatures, many species. They were something between people, plants and animals, they looked like book portrayal of elves. Small and scared, slouched, odd looking. Some of these creatures - called Key-1021dtf<33t>, in shorter version K1K - were kept in special K-shelters, and some died of age connected diseases after turing 2 years old. The problem with K-shelters was that they weren’t immune to K1K’s abilities especially when a couple of the creatures joined their forces to escape the shelter. The reinforcing of these didn’t help much, because these little beings were smart and cunning! They ran into the wilds and.. started mating with wildlife. As crazy as it sounds, their modified Stem Cells could somehow adapt and create fertile offspring! New creatures were looking like monsters from fantasy novels! They inherrited some of the traits from the original K1Ks, which eventually died with natural death. People lost the mutations caused by MDNA DVD-33 virus.
Happy story isn’t it? Post-Key-1021dtf<33t> animals, or as they used to be called - monsters, jot down as brand new spicies, getting steady with their evolution. They lost ability to procreate with every single specimen, thus creating new taxons. Beasts were controlable, and the race for the leadership became more rapid than ever. Control-gem spheres were invented, they could confine free will of the creatures and use their supernatural abilities to cause harm to people, and each other. That was the war that realy put us in danger, because these creatures were almost immortal! They could severely harm each other, but killing one was a real struggle. Hail Bradshot - was the first one to outplay everybody else. He destroyed the contol-gem spheres, took the lead over the Earth, banning these ravashing devices and setting out a Decree of Post-K1K’s Monsters, in shortage - Po-K Mons. The law stated that the creatures may be breed and kept, but never agains their will, any acts of violation including these were punishable by death, each person could use new version of Control-gem spheres, called po-k spheres, or po-k balls. That only let the po-k Mon creatures be kept and sheltered, not held against their will or controled.
Not everyone liked new set of law regulations, but Decree of Po-K Monsters, and very popular at the time group scaffolds, were somewhat enough for people to respect the law. The world was segregated into regions, each named by respective founder. Each region donated two people for the Great Game, first day of spring, to entertain the nation and remind everyone that they are not in full control of the situation.
The Great Game wasn’t anything that an average person would want to be part of, especialy a young man that had whole life ahead of him. In this grand event, there were twice the number of people that there were regions, one male and one female per region. The only restriction to who could be picked was age between 13 and 35, and one person could participate in the Great Games only once per lifetime. Which is quite funny, since only one person would live to be a victor.
The rules changed every year, so changed the arena. This years 74th Great Games victor is Aethas Sol, 22 years young man from ValleyGrill town. As every time we were given a random Pokemon (Po-K Monster), for a partner, and with it we were set off to compete in a killer set of challenges, and ambushes, battles and bloodbaths.
Why is my win different from any others? I made a strong enemy.. Parsel Swift, the woman who also happens to be.. madam President. And how did I win, and how did it all happen?

Phoebe Talent stepped onto the stage flouncing and prancing, she seemed to be the only one excited for today. With her long orange ball gown, and purple trane carefully situated on top of her fiery red wig, with high heel and lots of golden bracelets.. she looked odd. Giving that people in my region were not the richest ones. Most of us were not fancy fashionistas like mrs Phoebe Talent, so she stood out from the crowd, even though she stood on the podium.
‘Ladies and Gentleman!’ she said trying to hide her disgust. ‘I am gonna do the honors of introducing the world to Kantos two chosen ones!’ she theatrically clasped her hands and smiled passionately. She ran to the big Jar filled with the names, took a deep breath and dove her bony hand into the vessel pulling out a single piece of paper.
‘Candice Chapman!’ she yelled and 20-something skinny blonde girl realised she’s been chosen. People scattered, leaving Candice ten yards of space in each direction, as if she was announced to be the bearer of Ebola Virus. Lady slowly approached mrs Talent, who tried to cheer her up with a fake smile, asked Candice a couple of generic questions and jumped to the other jar. This vessel contained names of the man, Phoebe dug her hand deep into the glass dish, gave it a couple of swirls and grasped one of the names.
‘Aethas Sol!’ this was my name.



Starter, TBA


Box | Konto bankowe | Trofea


- pieniądze
- pokedex
- 5x pokeball


+1lvl za Kwiecień [trener] dla *starter*; +atak za Październik *atak* dla *starter*
  Temat: Aethas Sol

Odpowiedzi: 0
Wyświetleń: 643

PostForum: Banki   Wysłany: 2017-04-11, 19:45   Temat: Aethas Sol
~ 5000$ ~

~ Dochody ~

~ Wydatki ~
  Temat: Aethas Sol

Odpowiedzi: 0
Wyświetleń: 571

PostForum: Trofea   Wysłany: 2017-04-11, 19:45   Temat: Aethas Sol
  Temat: Aethas Sol

Odpowiedzi: 0
Wyświetleń: 574

PostForum: Boxy   Wysłany: 2017-04-11, 19:45   Temat: Aethas Sol
Pokemony w box'ie:

  Temat: Nasze urodziny~

Odpowiedzi: 218
Wyświetleń: 23056

PostForum: Ogłoszenia   Wysłany: 2017-02-02, 23:50   Temat: Nasze urodziny~
Wszystkiego najlepszego dla mnie! Życzę sobie szczęścia, zdanej sesji i Eevee, którego odbieram jako prezent. Skan soon
  Temat: W drodze na szczyt~!

Odpowiedzi: 35
Wyświetleń: 3052

PostForum: Archiwum   Wysłany: 2017-01-31, 20:43   Temat: W drodze na szczyt~!
Iliostycznie! Zapachy dochodzące z piekarnika były bardzo zachęcające, chociaż nie jestem specjalistą od greckiej kuchni, bo oprócz sałatki greckiej i oliwy.. właściwie to nic chyba od nich nie jadłem. Ale z uśmiechem czekałem na jedzenie, a w międzyczasie chwyciłem za pokeballe z Vulpixem i Snorunt wypuszczając stworki.
-Witajcie Misiaki, dzięki uprzejmości Tobyego możemy przenocować w tym ekskluzywnym hotelu. To co, chwile się pobawcie z Phi Phi, zjemy i możemy się gdzieś przejść albo zrelaksować. zaproponowałem zarówno pokemonom jak i Tobyemu.
Czekaj czekaj.. wino? To wkraczamy w moje kręgi zainteresowań! Poczekałem grzecznie na to, aż nowo poznany znajomy cyknie fotkę i ruszyłem do butelki by nalać po lampce wina. -Jakie dalej plany? Może się gdzieś przejdziemy, albo posiedzimy tutaj? Jacuzzi, basen, masaż..?.
  Temat: ~ Eventy

Odpowiedzi: 174
Wyświetleń: 15412

PostForum: MG Mhrok   Wysłany: 2017-01-31, 20:17   Temat: ~ Eventy
Dla mnie Litten
  Temat: Skup Pokemonów

Odpowiedzi: 33
Wyświetleń: 5362

PostForum: Adopcje   Wysłany: 2016-12-04, 12:30   Temat: Skup Pokemonów
Chciałbym sprzedać Lucario którego od Mhroka dostałem.
  Temat: W drodze na szczyt~!

Odpowiedzi: 35
Wyświetleń: 3052

PostForum: Archiwum   Wysłany: 2016-12-04, 11:57   Temat: W drodze na szczyt~!
Byłem pod ogromnym wrażeniem, nie tyle hotelu, który był na na prawdę wysokim poziomie, czy pokoju prezydenckiego, przygotowanego dla najważniejszych gości. Chodziło bardziej o to, że nie widziałem po prostu Tobiego w tym świecie, w moich oczach był miłym, wesołym chłopakiem, jednak raczej prostym. Dlatego też zobaczenie go w takim miejscu, nawet za sprawą konkursu było.. uduchawiające.
- Łał! Robi wrażenie, co nie? to co, basen, jacuzzi, spa, masaże? A może chciałbyś zaprezentować swoje umiejętności kucharskie? - dałem sus na jedną z sof, oparłem łokcie o oparcie i wsparłem twarz dłonią zwiniętą w pięść na znak zainteresowania. Uśmiechnąłem się przyjaźnie czekając na reakcję towarzysza. - Wygranie tego konkursu to coś, ale zrozumiem jeśli nie masz ochoty albo wiesz.. wstydzisz się czy coś - zachichotałem i rzuciłem spojrzenie spode łba. To była moja szansa na zjedzenie czegoś lepszego niż to co jadam na codzień.. nie brakowało mi specjalnie luksusów, poza dobrą kuchnią! Oj tak, wiele bym dał za Suflet, czy Creme Brule.. yum!
  Temat: Loteria Grudnia~

Odpowiedzi: 41
Wyświetleń: 4585

PostForum: Archiwum loterii   Wysłany: 2016-12-01, 16:33   Temat: Loteria Grudnia~
W razie awarii mojej nauki, miałem plan podpisać zgodę na sekcję zwłok w klinice uniwersyteckiej. Bo to jedna z dróg dostania się na akademie medyczną.
  Temat: Andrzejki u Delphox

Odpowiedzi: 21
Wyświetleń: 3037

PostForum: Miejsca Spotkań   Wysłany: 2016-12-01, 16:21   Temat: Andrzejki u Delphox
♣ Kubeczki - 4
♣ Serce z imionami - 22
♣ Ciastko z wróżbą - 13
♣ Sen - poszedłem do supermarketu, już miałem iść na dział z nabiałem, a okazało się że jest zamknięty. Szok! Okazało się, że Panczos próbuje zarywać do takiego boskiego blond ciacha, to jak się na niego rzuciłem z pazurami, to musiała Julka interweniować. Ja zdobyłem blondyna i uciekliśmy, więcej chyba nie powinienem opowiadać, ale jeśli chcesz to mogę. Ze szczegółami. Jak to mówią ludzie na facebooku pisz priv.
♣ Magia kolorów - Teal (Cyraneczka, Zielono Morski, Barwa Morska, Turkusowy..?) XXXXXXX
♣ Zawód - odpowiedz na następujące pytania, a ja wywróżę zawód idealny dla Ciebie:
1. Pół na pół
2. Z Biologii
3. Być szczęśliwym
4. Bycie Bogiem tej gry.
5. Tak
6. Jestem aktywnym pomysłodawcą, kooperuję.
♣ Mazaje - >klik<
♣ Kostki - 3 i 5
Strona 1 z 6
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Design by Did, Panda & Daisy7. Only for Pokemon Crystal
Copyright 2016 by Daisy7.

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Pokemon Crystal launched 2011-03-23.